
We arrived in Casablanca right on time but it was cloudy, cool and raining. We were on a tour to Marrakech that left at six thirty in the morning, shortly we were on our three hour trip to get there. We were surprised to find a wonderful and new four lane highway all the way to Marrakech. The weather there was beautiful, no rain and clear skies. Upon arriving there we went to the kings palace and he was away so we were able to tour the palace, it was nice, but not blow away beautiful. We then toured the Marrakesh markets and how wonderful they were, with lots of shops of every description. There were spice shops with barrels and barrels of every spice imaginable. There were shoe shops with people making the shoes. We were surprised to see craftsman in their small shops making the items they were selling. The aisles were small and we quickly learned to pay heed to the sound of a bike horn, because as soon as you heard one, a motor bike was heading either toward you and coming up behind. After a while we really paid attention to the horns. The shops were all wonderful and the long ride back was good even to we were late getting back to the ship because of traffic in Casablanca.